Board Comittees

The Board has an Audit Committee, a Nomination Committee and a Remuneration Committee. Final decisions on issues considered by each of these committees are made by the Board.

The Board believes that committees have sufficient independent membership, to ensure that high-quality decisions can be made that best address diverse customer and stakeholder needs.

Audit committee:

Chair Zarin Patel, Natalie Ceeney and Dame Polly Courtice.The Committee usually meet five times a year and the Committee Chair regularly holds separate one-to-one meetings with the Chief Financial Officer, the Head of Internal Audit and representatives from the Company’s external auditor, outside the Committee’s meetings, to better understand any issues or areas for concern.

The principal role of the Audit Committee is to examine matters relating to the financial affairs of the Company and to provide effective oversight and governance of the Company’s internal control and risk management processes, which exist to identify, assess, mitigate and manage risk. Internal audit supports the Committee in evaluating the design and effectiveness of internal controls and risk mitigation strategies, implemented by management. 

You can read more about the comittee in the AWS Annual Integrated Report or in the Terms of Reference. 

Nomination committee:

Chair Dr Ros Rivaz, John Barry, Natalie Ceeney, Dame Polly Courtice, Kath Durrant, Alex Nassuphis, Batiste Ogier, Zarin Patel, Alistair Phillips-Davies and Albena Vassileva. 

The committee meet around 4 times a year and its primary function is to advise the Board in relation to the appointment of executive and non-executive directors. 

You can read more about the committee in the AWS Annual Integrated Report or in the Terms of Reference.

Remuneration committee:

Kath Durrant, Ros Rivaz (Chair), John Barry, Polly Courtice, Alex Nassuphis, Batiste Ogier, Zarin Patel, Alistair Phillips-Davies and Albena Vassileva 

The committee usually meet 5 times a year and the primary purpose is to oversee and set the remuneration policy and incentive plans for all employees. This includes determining salaries, bonuses, pension rights, and compensation payments. The committee aims to ensure that all remuneration aligns with the company's long-term strategy, purpose, and values, while also motivating and retaining high-quality colleagues without excessive pay. It considers relevant legal and regulatory requirements and the views of shareholders and stakeholders.  

You can read more about the committee in the AWS Annual Integrated Report or in the Terms of Reference.